A review by samwescott
Song of the Huntress by Lucy Holland



Gorgeous. I will never get over how well this author acknowledges the vibrance and variety of human relationships and sexuality throughout history without writing about them in a way that sounds jarringly anachronistic or like an after school special. I really admired this same skill in Sistersong and I really admired it here. I was in AGONY over the relationships in this story in the best way.

I didn’t realize that this book was going to function somewhat as a sequel to Sistersong because of the large time gap, but I was so happy when references to the first book starting popping up and having real consequences. Easter eggs are fun, but this was weightier than that, but still not so much a sequel that you couldn’t read them as standalone. I really love that sort of delicate overlap. It’s the best of both worlds when it comes to series’s vs standalones. 

Holland’s writing is so good and I love the way they blend fantasy and historical fiction. The magic and the myth balances so well with the deep humanity of the characters. I really can’t wait to see what else this author puts out and she’s become an auto-hold author for me after these two.