A review by amberinpieces
Tangled Tides by Karen Amanda Hooper


Tangled Tides begins with a hurricane. Yara is boarding up her island home when a strange but attractive guy shows up wearing only shorts and asks her to trust him to take her somewhere safe during the storm. The guy, Treygan, knows who Yara is and as unlikely as it seems, Yara finds him vaguely familiar. Mesmerized, she goes with him…to the sea.

When she awakens underwater with fins and a tail, she is beyond freaked out and disbelieving of what is right in front of her. Not only has she been turned into a mermaid against her will, something that should be impossible, but she also learns that creatures like selkies, sirens, and gorgons exist…and they need Yara to unlock the gate to their realm.
At only a few pages into the novel, my first reaction was surprise that Yara would willingly go with a stranger despite his hotness, but I figured I was reading too much into it and chalked it up to fantastical powers.

In the beginning, my interest was piqued but I was slightly baffled. Mermaids and selkies? Sure. But sirens (Karen Hooper’s sirens were different than any I have read before but may be closer to mythological sirens than I thought) and gorgons? What was going on? But as Hooper simultaneously set the stage, provided background a little at a time, and moved the plot along, things became clearer and I was immersed in the world she created. I loved how Hooper mixed mythology with her own - it was really creature. The alternating view points between three of the characters - Yara, Treygan, and Rownan - really added to the story and kept the action moving.

Read the full review here.