A review by eesh25
Line Mates & Study Dates by Saxon James, Eden Finley


4.5 Stars

I think I've said this before, but I love this series. We're on the fourth book now, and usually, by this point, there's at least one book that I don't like as much. Not the case here. All the books have been great, including this one.

The protagonists this time around are Asher and Kole. Asher, we've already met and know to be kind of a dick. A lot of that is him pushing people away, mainly his team, because he's in a vulnerable place in his life. Kole is the coach's son, and he lost a bet with his dad, so he's the team's equipment manager this year.

Asher and Kole don't have much in common. Hockey is Asher's life, and Kole has a complicated history with the sport. Kole's nice and friendly, and Asher's... not. There's also the fact that Asher deliberately keeps others at a distance. Yet, surprisingly, we see them start to get along pretty early on. Though that doesn't mean there isn't banter. There definitely is, and it's very entertaining. But it's friendly. They care about and support each other even before sex comes into play. It's sweet.

I really liked Asher and Kole together. Both their romance and their friendship were very well done. They talked to each other and helped each other. And I always appreciate it when the drama is toned down in favour of actual relationship building. And not just the one between Asher and Kole.

I mentioned before about Asher being in a vulnerable place. Well, if you've read the last book, you already know that he and his brother, West, are responsible for raising their five siblings. And that's a big part of the story. Asher isn't doing so well with the recent loss and the new responsibility. His relationship with West is strained. And though I wish we'd spent just a little more time with him and West, I really liked how that part of the story was handled.

There were other smaller plot points as well, like keeping the relationship hidden because of Kole's father, Kole tutoring Asher, and them trying to keep things strictly friends-with-benefits (they were terrible at it from the start). All of these were great. The book had humour, emotion, romance, and I really liked it. Can't wait for the next one.