A review by saarahnina
The Breakdown by B.A. Paris



Psychological thriller: Cass seems to be forgetting a lot of little stuff lately, she's worried about what it might mean. Her mother suffered with dementia, she thinks she might be developing it too, she shares her concerns with her husband, Matthew and her best friend, Rachel. But other than that, her life is good, she's happy, that is up until she's on her way home one night, there's a strong storm and she sees a woman in a car not too far from her home. She drives away, with the intention of calling the emergency services for help. Except, she forgets all about it, and the woman is discovered the next day: dead....Shortly after, Cass' whole life seems to be spiralling out of control, she's forgetting whole conversations, how to do things...She doesn't know whether she can trust herself anymore.

This book was written incredibly, it didn't take very long for me to get into it, though I did wonder what the author was trying to get at. I'm more than satisfied by the answer to that question. This book has you guessing right up to the end, even then you can't be certain of what it all points to. I'm not going to lie, a handful of my guesses were spot on but when they are guesses there's no certainty in them. I changed my mind about one of the characters that I immediately disliked upon reading the first couple of chapters, turns out my initial opinion wasn't really misplaced, nor unfounded, at all.

I recommend this book, it will play with your mind. It will mess up your intuition and your feeling of being safest with those you are closest to. For a couple of hours, it will be your obsession. After I read half of it, in one sitting, I got up for a walk and felt as unstable as the main character, just as concerned about my health as she was. So, I can vouch that this book will take you right into the fold of its pages. I saw myself in some of the mistakes Cass made, I could see myself making the same. It's disconcerting to think like that, but it did make this book very relatable.

I received this book through NetGalley.