A review by eslismyjam
I Want You to Want Me by Erika Kelly


I enjoyed Violet as a character, I liked the meet-cute between her and Derek. I was behind the band and the idea that they were just about it make really big on their first tour. Violet being their minder was a little bit hard to swallow, since it really did seem far-fetched to me that a rock band would be asked to curb their partying and participate in activities like bowling, boxing and drinking green smoothies-- no matter how great the health benefits. Actually I was all good with this book and it as a "I liked it" three star read until about 60%. The trouble was that one Violet and Derek finally admit that they really do have feelings and that they really are going to act on them, I got bored. Derek lost his appeal for me once he started referring to Violet as "his woman" frequently. Then I got irritated a the sheer amount of lusting after each other that they two of them did. They would be apart for an hour and have to spend the rest of an evening telling each other how much they missed each other. That usually doesn't bug me that much, but for some reason it really did here. There were A LOT of sex scenes in the latter part of the book and I mostly skimmed. That was frustrating because there was a such a lot of chemistry and sexual tension in the first part of the book I felt let down that I didn't really care once their romance was solidified.

Then came the inevitable big conflict before the HEA and I didn't like it at all. Derek seems to lose his mind at the end and does really hurtful things and then Violet comes back and responds with more really hurtful things. It annoyed me at the amount of time it took for the two of them to come to their senses, particularly since the whole book didn't span more than about a month and a half.