A review by rinasreadsnz
Off the Bench by Alley Ciz


"A true relationship is two imperfect people refusing to give up on each other."
Oh, CK... how swoony are you?

I'm doing my mental happy dance right now because this book was fantastic.
I've been not so patiently waiting to find out whether something would happen between CK and Quinn since I met them in Looking to Score.

The sexual tension between these two was intense. The buildup, excruciating. But, their first kiss? Sweet baby Jesus, it had my toes curling.

I loved the way Quinn managed to break down CK's carefully crafted walls (because, lets face it—it was a battle), while also showing him her vulnerable side.
Laying her heart on the line was quite possibly one of the most adorkably awkward experiences I have ever read... *shakes head* Superman was so adorably clueless.

It didn't surprise me that the further through the book we got, the more CK came out of his shell.
Who knew that the quiet, unsuspecting, coding genius would turn out to be one of the sweetest—yet, frustrating—characters I have ever read?
Don't even get me started on Quinn's Mama... frustration is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to her.

Now that I've read their story, I only want more.
More Em, more Carter, more Tessa, more Trav, more Grady... the list goes on.
This crazy crew of misfits, their friends, and their shenanigans give me life. And I'm here for it all. Bring on the next couple!

Connor, Lola and Ava did a fab job of narration.