A review by tishywishy
The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan


Where to start...

The protagonist was inquisitive but really it was a level of fassness that just jumped right into life threatening.

Her love life was trash. She wanted Travis and then she wanted
Spoiler Harry
. The book literally goes "omg, my life is in shambles and I'll never live again if I can't be with Travis" - midway through the book- "omg did I make a mistake?! Would X have been a better choice?! -end of book- "omg Travis is my one true love" few pages later "X we would have been so happy".


The story lines were wack. We went from village, a potential sisterhood gig, being threatened by the head sister and getting kicked out of the sisterhood, almost getting married, escaping zombies, some ocean fantasies, a village that conveniently had all the home furnishings and food stocks, conveniently shacking up with her preferred boo, poking zombies with a spear to find the owner of the clothes she was wearing, zombies somehow magically busting into the place, more running, ocean talk, decapitations. None of those flowing to make a cohesive story.


I conveniently had the audiobook + physical book and may have muttered "how is someone so daft" several times. I called it quits about 60% in - honestly I would have stopped sooner but you know how sometimes you can't stop watching a bad thing happen, like a train wreck. This was a bad thing.