A review by caitcoy
Harrow County: Family Tree by Cullen Bunn


In Family Tree, the fourth volume in the Harrow County series, the creepy stranger who made his way into town at the end of volume 3 starts to stir up a fair bit of mischief. To Emmy’s surprise, this stranger brings a bit of news: she isn’t alone in her power and the rest of her family has been called to Harrow County to bring her into the fold. While Emmy has longed for a family for as long as she can remember, this particular family may be a bit more than she bargained for and she soon finds herself with a choice between the Family and Harrow County.

While I’ve enjoyed the previous volumes of Harrow County, Family Tree is by far the strongest one in the series. It’s in this volume that we finally get to learn of the history behind Emmy’s power and where she fits in the Family. While they claim good intentions, each member of the Family is more than a little creepy and a lot dangerous. The different ways in which they use their powers were interesting and was as threatening as it was compelling. There’s something about Harrow County that really stirs my curiosity and I find myself puzzling over the pieces that haven’t fit together yet even long after I’m done reading a particular volume. That’s especially true of this volume and for the first time in awhile, I had one of those lightbulb moments where a reference that I didn’t catch while reading suddenly occurred to me hours later.

There’s just something about this series that haunts me even when I’m not reading it and I can’t stop wanting to know what’s next. There’s only two more volumes left until I’m caught up so here’s hoping it’s not a disappointment.

Full series review here