A review by rgyger
The Express Rider's Lady by Stacy Henrie


The Express Rider's Lady started off well. The premise was not one I had heard of before and, while it did seem a little far fetched, it was fun and interesting. I liked Delsie's determination to make things right with her sister and her willingness to do most anything to make it happen.

The middle started to lag for me. Within the story, Myles seemed to change his opinion of Delsie fairly early on and then just decided that he was not the right kind of man for her. *SPOILER* While there was some tension in the idea that Delsie would not marry against her father's wishes, it frustrated me that she was willing to defy her father in order to travel across country on horse back to see her sister for a day, yet she was not willing to do the same for the man she loved. *END SPOILER* There were also some interactions with Indians in which I was able to predict the entire interaction because it was the same as I have seen many other times before.

Near the end, after Delsie has returned home, the story picked back up. Here, Delsie showed more of the same spirit she started off the journey with and Myles has learned to be content with life. I liked how the story ended and if the middle had played out similarly, I would have enjoyed the story far more.

I received this book through Prism Tours in exchange for an honest review.