A review by pilgrimgossip
The Scottish Boy by Alex de Campi


In many ways this was a very good book. The author is obviously talented, I just wasn't happy with the way she dealt with some things. Having just finished it, I am left wanting. Also I'm a little depressed. Oh, there will be spoilers.

First things first. The sex was good. It was hot and spicy and probably not at all like the sex most people were having in 1333, but I don't mind that. The flip side of this, is that they used sex to"heal" after every devastating thing that they inflicted on one another.

And inflict pain on each other they did. Don't get me wrong, I am so there for the cheating, hurt feelings, and awful words that can never be taken back. I'm not joking. I love it when MC's inflict some emotional pain on one another. But then I need for them to talk about it, explain themselves, communicate and apologize. After that I'm ok with them eating each other's asses for the next 10 pages, (in fact I encourage it), but I can't enjoy the sex when I know that Iain let Harry think he was dead for 5 years and they just gloss over it There was so much that needed to be said that just wasn't. They might not have needed to heart the words, but I did.

Also it was hard to enjoy the sex when I was so afraid they would be caught and then burned at the stake for it (but that I will blame on my own anxiety and not the author).