A review by nightshade_novels
So Much Closer by Susane Colasanti


After reading another book by Colasanti I was not expecting too much from this one, however it did not even deliver to the standard of the first book I read. Now I know that this book is aimed at young audiences, but even so the story was not good.
The main character, Brook, is very self-centered and impulsive. So already I did not like her character and she is not a good role model for any young girls reading this story. She decides to move to New York City purely because the boy she fancies, and yet has been unable to even talk to for the last few years, has also moved there. This same boy was also the crush of one of her best friends, so should have been off limits anyway. Once Brooke moves to New York City she soon realises that she has upset one of her friends and soon upsets the other. But instead of trying to make things right with them, or in fact make any effort, she just abandons them.
Brooke leaves her Mum to live with her Dad, whom she hates just so her Mum will allow her to move to New York City. This is irresponsible for a start, but it soon becomes obvious that her Dad is incapable of being a good parent. He is always at work and therefore never at home to spend time with Brooke. He also feeds her nothing but take-aways and allows her to stay out in the city as late as she wants. This is extremely irresponsible and I feel it sets a bad impression for younger readers as they might see this as a good way to live.
There is quite a large portion of the book dedicating to adoring New York City, which clearly comes from Colasanti’s own love of living there. However, I am not a fan of cities, particularly big cities and man-made structures in general and therefore could not share in the love of ‘pretty’ water tanks etc.
I guess the outcome, or moral, of the story is that if you work hard enough and pursue your dreams they are achievable. But also that you will find love where you do not expect it, rather than the guy you have been practically stalking for years. However, this does not make the story any better.
Overall, even taking into account that this is a book for younger readers, I was not impressed with this story.