A review by strangelyfamiliar
Adult Fantasy: searching for true maturity in an age of mortgages, marriages, and other adult milestones by Briohny Doyle


This is an intelligent and insightful read about what it really means to be an adult in today's world. Doyle has done a load of research into everything from property to relationships to parenthood to old age. I want my parents to read it just so I can point to certain parts and say "See! I'm not the only one who thinks like this!" because Doyle articulates it better than I ever could.

But at the same time, I appreciate the way she argues against the us vs. them mentality we all have when it comes to millennials and baby boomers. Doyle spends a lot of time looking at how things like property ownership, job redundancies and single life affect people once they reach retirement age, and I found it pretty eye-opening.

Definitely worth reading, especially if you're anxious about reaching certain adult milestones.