A review by dvnielletreads
Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco


I am...not entirely sure what just happened?

I have been waiting for this book for ages and I feel just kind of...? ?!

Audrey Rose has never annoyed me so much, and I know she really grinds the gears of a lot of people but holy shit? This book is 430 pages and she spent 350 of the moon-eyed over some dude she just met who gives her the heebie geebies but yo. He's got dimples, so he's a lot less stabby than anyone on board, I guess?

But is he Thomas?


Thomas spends the majority of this novel in mention, and there's such a severe lack of him that Audrey Rose becomes almost unbearable. This girl has faced a hell of a lot in recent months, I get it. But oh my god. Knowing what we know from the first two books, any sort of perception this girl has about anything is shut off like a light switch as soon as she sets foot on the boat.

I really love this series, I genuinely truly do. But this book was such a let-down compared to the first two that it pains me to say that my 5-Star hopeful for the year is reduced all the way down to a 3 stars. All's I gotta say is I just hope the fourth one brings out the same finesse and common sense Audrey Rose this book severely lacks.

Mar. 2018-


I'm ready for this book to save my entire 2018.