A review by sunsess
Cracked Up to Be by Courtney Summers


I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

Unfortunately, this book is not all it's Cracked Up to Be. I didn't like any of the characters. They were all assholes or idiots.
SpoilerMy favorite character was the dog, and he got hit by a car, soooo that was disappointing.
By the end of the book I didn't care what Parker had or hadn't done because it was clear there wouldn't be any satisfaction. And for me, at least, there wasn't. I also wish the author had provided more transition between the past and the present, as it's very jagged to read.

I did enjoy the overall concept and the story is easy to visualize, so there is something to be said about Courtney Summers's creativity, this book just missed the mark. I'm giving it two and a calf cows because while I didn't enjoy this one, personally, I'd be open to reading another one of her books in the far future.