A review by unladylike
Hellblazer, Vol. 1: Original Sins by Jamie Delano


I read as many Hellblazer collections as I could get my hands on from the library years ago, and after years of them persisting to rattle around in my head, I'm finally attempting to collect the whole series.

A few things about the first volume of John Constantine, Hellblazer:

1. You may feel as though it can't possibly be the first issues, as it dives in with various references to past events in his life. Don't worry about that. John's dead associates, Newcastle, and other connections and life events will be fleshed out further into the series.

2. Trigger warnings for rape, racist language, and other brutal atrocities linked to war in the issue titled "When Johnny Comes Marching Home." You can totally skip this story without missing much. Some of the other issues depict white supremacists stalking and assaulting people, but the Vietnam soldiers coming back in Iowa bothered me much more.

3. It gets better.

The new NBC series Constantine premieres this month, and it will be interesting to see how they write such a despicable antihero as Constantine. Also, how will they pronounce his name, will he be chainsmoking, and how spot-on will his accent be?