A review by david_reads_books
So You Want to Be President?: The Revised and Updated Edition by Judith St George


2001 Caldecott
Updated to 2012 to include Obama (and thankfully he who will not be mentioned)
What a great book! Sketches of all our famous presidents, and loaded with interesting facts.
Most popular first names? (James is first)
Born in a log cabin? 8
Tallest (Abe), shortest (Madison), biggest (Taft)
Youngest, oldest, max siblings, relatives as president, thrifty, and not so thrifty, pets, musicians, sports, hobbies, jobs, education, war heroes, previous as VP, religion, attitude about being prez.
All presented in a VERY readable and enjoyable format.

(Weird I see this book available in audio format? Why? Caldecott means you MUST read the hardback!)