A review by ari_reading_
Sophie's Misfortunes by Sophie, comtesse de Ségur


Content Notice: Contains multiple animal death scenes.
While I occasionally enjoy a book about a child who is mischievous, they ONLY sometimes are naughty, NOT every page. However, it's a short book that occasionally can create a chuckle, the main character is Sophie, Sophie is a naughty girl living in 19th century France. Sophie at 4 years old already is quite a mischief-maker, the book contains many of the antics of this young girl.
Multiple animal deaths were written in this less than 300-page novel which is startling, to say the least, there were multiple, however, I can get that this was common in the era this was written (the 1800s)
However, Sophie's mother needs to teach her how to care for an animal, not keep replacing them.
It's a little old fashioned but that doesn't ruin the book.