A review by kirkw1972
Born of Legend by Sherrilyn Kenyon


In an earlier review on my blog (Styxx/Acheron) I complained that too many of her Dark Hunter books were throwaway short novellas and it was a nice change of pace to have some longer stories. For the League series I feel the complete opposite. The majority of the series books are just beasts! Legend is 720 pages long. So big as a hardback I've not been able to take it anywhere and have had to just read it at bedtime. Which for me is hard as I like to take a book everywhere and read a few pages whenever I can sneak them in. It made the story for me a drag a bit.

Both the League and Dark Hunter books follow the same pattern - guy (sometimes girl) has had terrible upbringing full of pain and violence and been betrayed by someone close to them (often taken from Kenyons own life story). They meet a potential new life partner, struggle not to fall in love as they feel their not worth it, finally give in, stuff happens to move the plot on and everyone lays their demons to rest and they all live happily ever after. Phew!

And Legend is no different. Don't get me wrong I gave the book 4/5 stars on Goodreads and she's still up there on my top 10 of authors but I think I'm over saturated with her books now. I need a break. I've maybe a handful of stories that I haven't been able to get from the library so before buying them I'm going to take a breather and read some other books. Maybe then I won't feel like everything's too predictable.