A review by readingbetweenthewines
Whiskey & Ribbons by Leesa Cross-Smith


I really LOVED this book.  I waited a couple weeks to write a review of this one because I don't really think I can do justice to this one, but I'll give it a go...

Whiskey & Ribbons follows Evi, a recently widowed ex-ballet dancer and new mother, still grieving the loss of her husband Eamon, a police officer who was killed in the line of duty.  This book basically just takes place over one snowy weekend, but Cross-Smith's storytelling through 3 narrators -  Evi, Eamon and Eamon's adopted brother Dalton - and a lot of memories gives you all the context you need.  This is basically the story of the age old love triangle, the issue being that one part of that triangle is the seemingly perfect and unfortunately deceased Eamon.

While the plot doesn't sound entirely original or groundbreaking, somehow through Cross-Smith's lyrical prose the raw emotion of this story shines through and you can't help but jump all in.  My heart ached in all the right ways while reading this book; I wanted nothing more than to just join Evi and Dalton in their grief and consume this book over a snowy weekend, glass of whiskey in hand.  Sometimes you have just to sit and enjoy the vast range of emotions that exist to get from point A to point B and that's what this book made me remember.

Heartbreaking yet hopeful, and such an easy read - Whiskey & Ribbons was a pure joy to inhale and has made me a true Leesa Cross-Smith believer forevermore.  I'd recommend this book to anyone who can appreciate a good cry, a good glass of whiskey (or wine!) or a good book that can make your heart break and leap in joy in the same hour... or all of the above.

Thank you to Hub City Press for giving me this book to read and review.  While I received this book for free, all opinions are my own.