A review by huckleberrycyn
Black Widow Vol. 3: Last Days by Nathan Edmondson


For the most part, I wasn't really impressed with this run. Natasha hemming and hawing about how alone she is and how no one understands her felt oddly childish. To the point where I felt a little embarrassed by it.

I know enough about Natasha's past to know that she did a lot of fucked up shit and feels the need to atone, but it always rang hollow.

Until this volume.

This had everything I wanted in the first two volumes of this run. The pain Natasha felt was palpable and beautiful written. The entire Cuba flashback was perfect and heartbreaking.

Noto's art was expressive and amazing, as always.

It kinda hurt to watch a possible future with Nat and a certain someone knowing the entire time during his run, he didn't think of her once and was heavily involved with someone else. Ouch.

Either way, this was a delightful close to an otherwise pretty bland run.