A review by becbec624
Sleepless in Dubai by Sajni Patel


Sleepless in Dubai is a sweet coming of age novel that touches on the ideas of family, friendship, and the complexities that come with both especially during the developmental switch between being a child to an adult. Nikki is the first born in her family who has a passion for photography. After her parents have supported her in her photography endeavors, the last thing she would ever want to do is disappoint them. That makes her ex-best friend Yash running over her expensive camera that much harder.
Determined to not let her family know about the camera, Nikki is set on somehow still getting the photo she needs to complete her photography internship application without the expensive gear. Only problem is that Nikki's family is headed to Dubai for Diwali, and coming along is Yash's family. This vacation makes it harder for Nikki to continue avoiding Yash and hiding her unusable camera.

This book is a sweet coming of age novel about making amends and learning from mistakes. I really enjoyed Nikki's character and how much passion she had for her family and dreams. Yash is super sweet but mysterious and shows over and over again how much he cares for Nikki. Their relationship seemed to mend very organically through their forced proximity in Dubai. I really enjoyed Yash and Nikki's families too. Both had a lot of character and added to the plot in their own ways, especially Nikki's younger sister, Lilly.