A review by sipreadlove
Something Just Like This by Jennifer Probst


I love a novella that has a great plot and characters that are well developed. I loved that Jonathan and Alyssa had worked together for a few years. I think that gave them a well developed relationship as co-workers and friends. The crush was innocent to start, but the slow burn grew. The political race was an added bonus because it added a depth.

Should a single candidate try dating while running for office? How will people who have known him take that? I could see the conflict it brought to the story and it felt very reasonable. Also, bonus points for the story being around Thanksgiving. Who doesn't love a good holiday read? I can't say either that I have read too many books around Thanksgiving.

What I didn't love was the whole #metoo movement used as a reason why they may not get together. I don't think people just go around accusing everyone that is a public figure like that, but I could be wrong. I just think all the other reasons why not seemed more feasible than that one. I do respect that she wanted to add something so current to the story, but maybe that's not how I would have done it.

Is this a good story to read after you are stuffed with turkey and don't want to move from the sofa? Absolutely. Definitely add a little after dinner wine to your glass too.