A review by phoenix2
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë


My main problem with this book is the way it is narrated. It was a bold choice to have others tell the story of the main characters, but I believe that robed the love story of its intensity and the drama of its tragedy. The story was biased according to who was telling the story, as, most of the time, Helen, our main narrator, had more or less a bad impression of her two heroes, thus, making the reader think of them in dark colours as well. Also, as she was not always there when things took place, reading the story felt like one is looking through the key hole, seeing some scenes, but only as much as that narrow hole allows. The rest was left to the reader's imagination.

As for the characters, Cathy was unlikable and Heathcliff was impossible to be liked. Thus, the whole story felt as sad and misty as the setting, with Heathcliff ruining everyone's lives. But, again, due to the narration, it wasn't easy to feel those strong bonds with the characters and their tragedy.