A review by desiree_mcl
Arranged by R.K. Lilley


Started and finished in one day. Listened to the audiobook, which was great. The story left some things to be desired but overall I did enjoy it.

This has been on my TBR for a couple of years now. Finally decided to read it.

It wasn't as angsty as I was led to believe, there wasn't as much groveling as I was led to believe.

Calder and Nora enter into a marriage of convenience. From the beginning he makes it clear that he does not want this marriage and treats Nora like crap for 80% of the book. However Nora, while hurt, is also not wallowing (which I liked!), she's still living her life, still being the person that she always has been.

I loved how jealous and possessive Calder got over the various aspects of Nora's job. She's a model and there are times she has to be nude in front of more than him. And he freaks at that stuff. There was an incident with a male model that Nora used to get Calder attention and boy did it work. All that stuff I really enjoyed, but if your someone who doesn't like that behavior maybe pass this one by because there is a decent amount of it.

I also loved Nora's relationship with her bodyguards and the young models she took in. She loved them and they loved her. And it was a really sweet.

What bothered me was how much of a hypocrite Calder was. He'd accuse Nora of being a gold-digger but he only married her to get his father's money. He accused Nora of being a whore but he was the one who was banging his ex-fiance for the first month of his marriage to Nora.

I noticed a lot of reviews being very upset over that month long cheating with the ex. And while I wasn't thrilled to know he did that and that there were consequences that came about because of that, at the same time I wasn't hugely bothered by it. Neither one wanted to make this a real marriage at first, there was no love feelings at that time. Calder stayed away for a full month barely acknowledging Nora's existence. It didn't bother me as much as I see it bugged other readers. We never actually see it, we're just told about it, it was something I could easily work passed.

However something that did bother me that is linked to the cheating was that I felt the groveling wasn't there enough. When the breakup happened and the groveling started there was only 35-40 minutes left of the audiobook. So I was skeptical that that would be enough time to believe the HEA that was coming. And unfortunately I was right. I needed more on page groveling, they don't actually get married again until Nora is in her mid-twenties (she's 18 at the start of this book), so I wished we saw some more groveling and part of their post-groveling relationship. Everything was wrapped up too quickly for it to be completely satisfying.

Overall, I liked this. I won't be adding it to my physical bookshelves but it was a good way to spend a few hours.