A review by phoenixinthecity
Harbor by Rebekah Weatherspoon


I found out about this final book in the series from Weatherspoon on Twitter - I wasn't expecting it and was surprised. I enjoyed the books in the series although the premises were kind of bananas and because of this, I've come to realize that romantic suspense isn't really my genre.
On Harbor - it wasn't a book I anticipated/needed like the other series finales that came out at the end of June but I had to read it because I'm a completionist. The book opens up after the double murder/suicide of a couple in a hotel room. The murdered man is Brooklyn, Liz from Sanctuary's sister's fiance and the woman is in a triad with Vaughan, a patents lawyer and Shaw, a carpenter. They were cheating on their partners and murdered by a random guy who had been stalking the woman. Here is where the details trip me up because I'm wondering how they met in the first place to carry on an affair for 7 mos since he lives in NYC and she in Boston, even though it's irrelevant to the story.
Anyway - Brook and Vaughan first meet because he finds her at her fiance's funeral hoping for some kind of closure. The three meet for the first time in her hotel room in Boston which she suggested because she wanted privacy(!) and I immediately think, no, dummy, how is that safe when you don't know these men and you've lied to your friends and family about where you are? B obviously lives to tell the tale and to eventually fall in love with Vaughan and Shaw and they live HEA.
One thing I've noticed about this series is that Weatherspoon isn't afraid to let a lot of time pass between her characters first meeting and their eventual coming together. In this book it was 16 mos and in Haven it was something similar....her characters had to go away and deal with their trauma/grief before they could get together again to fall in love and I like that because it seems more probable than the stories where the characters fall in love in a week.