A review by just_tosh
Talulla Rising by Glen Duncan


Talulla Rising picks up where The Last Werewolf left off. It's been some months after the events at the end of the first book. Talulla Demetriou is without her mate Jake. She is very pregnant and due to give birth any day. She is still on the run and in hiding from WOCOP (World Organization for the Control of Occult Phenomena). She is soon discovered and her newborn is taken away soon after it's birth. Talulla learns that her son is to be sacrificed for a vampire ritual. It's a race against time to find her soon before the eclipse and she's still being hunted by this sadistic organization. Talulla isn't totally alone as she picks up a few unexpected allies along the way.

Talulla Rising isn't a light read. It's sexy. It's profane. It's sexually and violently graphic. It's a novel told in the point of view from a werewolf. Would you expect anything less?

I love the way the author wrote Talulla. She's not sitting around bemoaning her tragic existence. She does what she has to do to survive - kill- use her sex, make friends with the enemy - even more so because she has to stay alive long enough to find her son and save him from some twisted vampires. I like Talulla. She's bad ass. :)

The ending! Ugh! When is book 3 coming out????