A review by dobbsthedog
Before We Disappear by Shaun David Hutchinson


CW: kidnapping, child abuse, forced confinement

I really enjoyed this book!
I think it's the first historical Shaun Hutchinson has written and I thought it was well done.  I liked that he included a note at the end to explain the intentional historical inaccuracies, which I did notice while reading.  (I won't go into them because mild spoilers!)
So, the book is basically about two magicians, one real and one not.  And by real, I mean he's actually really magic, and by not I mean he's a skilled illusionist.  They both have similar, though quite different upbringings, and they meet at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition in Seattle in 1909.  I liked the cast of characters and the setting, I think everything worked really well together.
Reading it kind of reminded me of being at Expo 86, all the people and the grandeur and wonder of it all.  All the different pavilions and technologies and performers.  Honestly, it was a pretty spectacular thing, seeing as I have fairly vivid memories of it yet I was only 3 years old when I attended with my family.
Despite the CWs, it was a fun read, and I do recommend.

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