A review by viviolino
Fool's Fate by Robin Hobb


I simply could not put this book down, and I read more than a hundred pages of it per day (which is quite a lot for me). It goes without saying, Robin Hobb is a great writer.

However, the ending (more specifically the epilogue) was something that did not work for me. It may be because this book was written 29 years ago for a generation whose idea of a happy ending wildly differs from mine. But all the teenagers (I repeat, children in their mid teens) getting married and having children did not sit right with me. It could be explained away as it being normal in that society, but it was painted as the happy ending, and as a good thing.

Another issue I had with the ending is that Fitz, once again, missed around a month of happenings because he was missing/injured/dead/etc. And everyone had to explain everything to him, end everyone found out about everything (Molly that he was alive, Nettle that he was her dad) without him having to put any effort in. I was looking forward to how he was going to explain himself and dig himself out of the hole he created, but was disappointed, and annoyed at the repetitiveness.

I gave this book 4 stars because though I have my gripes with it, it is still a well written book and I enjoyed most of it.