A review by duske
Sleeping Late on Judgement Day by Tad Williams


I really enjoyed this roller-coaster ride with Bobby and I felt like the climax of the story was pretty awesome... until the whole bit with Karael was revealed. I felt like that extra bit wasn't really necessary and it could have been possible to have Caz brought back without, yet again, being used as some kind of bargaining token (besides, isn't she a pretty powerful demon? Why can she seem to do NOTHING?). I was pleased with Bobby's trial when Karael was the one who seemed to be acting on the side of being just but it turns out that he was just covering his own ass after all. So far, this universe has shown all of the higher angels to be assholes; besides the ones whose names you can't remember because they just don't do anything or show up often enough, it really seems like all of them are asses and not really being very angelic at all. Or maybe that was the point. But still, it made the ending feel a little dragged out and exhausting, since after everything Bobby went through, there was still MORE angelic rebellion to deal with?! It just never ends.

I also feel that the ending didn't give enough credit to Sam; it showed Bobby grieving but never quite seriously enough besides his usual talk of drinking himself unconscious. The death of Sam could have worked to give the story and the character of Bobby more depth if the book would just allow itself a single (longer than one sentence) serious moment without kicking it to the curb with sarcasm, thus destroying the dramatic aspect of the good bits that could have been deeply moving.

I did quite enjoy this adventure with Bobby over all, though. It was fast-paced and definitely action-packed, and I do like all the moments that point out to the reader that the Highest could mean something different since there are Goddesses involved in this and even Bobby has said, "I'm not the Christian type of angel."