A review by leelah
Night Shift by Nalini Singh, Ilona Andrews, Lisa Shearin


Oh, my god, this book was one giant, crazy whac-a-mole!

Leopard roared...
Jaguar roared...
Barbarian warlord roared AND stumped his chest...
and Shearin story brings an old, familiar debate:
"Do you think if I shoot leprechaun with my gun, lucky charms will explode everywhere?"* ;)

1.Nalini Singh - "Secrets at Midnight" - 4,5 stars

"This is Bastien. Don't let him charm you - next thing you know, you'll be naked."

If you are familiar with Nalini's Psy/Changeling world, Bastien is not a new name for you. He is one of Mercy's beloved brothers she feels very protective of, but he also has to endure the love of other Smith woman: he has to suffer through endless parade of possible girlfriends his mother is throwing at him...until he catches a scent of his mate. :D
You remember how we were whining for Psy/Psy couple for 11 books and then Nalini gave us two in a row with third one coming up? Man, I love them Arrows with a strength of 1000 burning suns, but Bastien reminded me how fun and flirty changelings are! I mean,from the moment they meet their intended hea it's like one, long, sensual foreplay until they finally hook up. Skin privileges, ftw!
Ok, this story is definitely more enjoyable if you read series before, but you can read it without being completely confused. Big, overreaching arc of turmoil in Psy world is briefly mentioned but it's not adding anything to the story. In that case, it will read like nice, neatly wrapped shifter story and that's not bad. But for fans, this is such a treat since there are so many of these nice little fan favorite cameos- I was personally delighted with Teijan appearance and I really want to read his story now- If anyone can pull that, Nalini can. ;)

2.Ilona Andrews - "Magic Steals" - 5 stars

First novella featuring Jim and Dali ([b:Magic Dreams|13627865|Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #4.5)|Ilona Andrews|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397416627s/13627865.jpg|19233926]) is my favorite novella set in this world. :) But, let's face it, in a series where side characters are almost as loved as main characters, can any side story end up being not worth your time?
No, and you will not be disappointed with this one either. ;)
So, first things first.. with all other stories in anthologies, there is a chance you can enjoy it without being familiar with characters before. With this one, I pull a line and say no.**
For fans of series, this story is set between book #6 and book #7, so if you were expecting to read Jim's meltdown about news of his new job..we will have to wait some more. (But, it's going to be epic because Jim is in such a good place right now...;) )
So, Dali and Jim are dating, they are doing all those things like... dinners and lingerie has being bought and stuff... but her mother and her close family of 30+ relatives has no idea about it.:)
We know that Dali is very special shifter: she is a White Tiger and she has her own magic, magic tied to her cultural identity and legacy. So, when her mother brings a friend whose grandmother is in trouble, Dali has to look into it. And Jim volunteered to accompany her. Mystery was completely whacked- villain's MO is not hard to guess, but motive behind it is just crazy. But that's all in background; characters and relationship development is a real story here..This novella has so many great scenes between Dali and Jim, between Dali and her mom; so many great lines.:)
I really like Dali. In a group of badass female and male characters, Dali is unusual because her magic is primarily non combative. She may be be blind and vegetarian cat without fighting skills,but her strength lies in her impressive knowledge on mythology and her smarts, and this is something that was made clear to us in book #3 and in first novella. This Dali is still present here, but what I liked about this story is that it showed us that Dali still is a shifter and therefore dangerous. If she can't curse you or outwit you, she can still be a threat. Of course, this is something Jim was instrumental in making her come to that conclusion herself, but I loved it- it was such a boost to her confidence and exactly what she needs taking her future role in consideration.
But Jim guys! Jim is just swoon-worthy and sexy and flirty here. Let's all cherish this novella for rare treasure that it is...Jim actually smiled. and it was not one of his "you-are-dead" showing-teeth smiles.
This was Extra Virgin, 100% pure smile. :)

3.Lisa Shearin - "Lucky Charms" - 3 stars

Ok this is a prequel to [b:The Grendel Affair|17912981|The Grendel Affair (SPI Files, #1)|Lisa Shearin|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1382941457s/17912981.jpg|25100815], new Shearin UF series. It's a series about Makenna "Mac" Fraser, who is working for SPI (that's like FBI, but for supernaturals) as a seer, which allows her to see through any glamour and this story is actually her first assignment for SPI,as she is sent with her new team to collect five rogue leprechauns.
I personally didn't enjoy TGA, because it looked to me like a UF version of Stephanie Plum, with heroine who keeps stumbling on stuff by accident and is just too silly. It's same here: these leprechauns are like giant, raging balls of hormones with confused sexual identity, so silliness is a given, but I did have fun his story. Maybe this style is working in shorter format for me? ;)

4.Milla Vane - "The Beast of Blackmoore" - 4 stars

I am still giggling like a lunatic over this one.
I don't even know how to describe this!!!
There is a tormented barbarian warlord who pissed of gods(heh!) and there is a female, badass holy warrior who is on a quest "bestowed on her by great goddess". And they fall in love from the moment they laid eyes on each other, "covered in blood and rotting stench of devil's beasts they slayed." And they have this crazy and really smutty romance with funniest sex scene I read in a while.
Spoiler"Her sheath clenched around his shaft with each soft caress, as if trying to pull him deeper."

Guys, there are leather loincloths!
And swords and armors!
And they slay demons by dozens!
It's majestic!
And cracastic and cheesy and hilarious.
And outrageous!
and completely insane.
I swear, while I was reading, I saw these scenes so clearly in my head, in such vivid colors like it was directed by Dino De Laurentiis himself.
Milla Vane is, of course, a pen name of fabulous Meljean Brook and I completely understand now why she got to write Red Sonja.
She is the woman for the job.
I bow to you, Meljean, you are the queen of outrageous entertainment.


So, let's repeat: which one to read?


*I will never pass a chance to quote Alucard, HUA.
Spoiler*You haven't read Kate Daniels?
