A review by danicapage
The Little Woods by McCormick Templeman


This review appeared on my blog Taking It One Page at a Time

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Disclosures: I received an e-galley of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion.

My Overall Thoughts/Impressions: I went into this book not really knowing what to expect. I hadn't really seen any other reviews of this book when I first picked it up.

I was expecting a riveting mystery and I got that and so much more. This book was well-written and engaging, if not predictable. I will admit I went in with fairly low expectations and it did exceed my expectations.

However, it wasn't as compelling as many thriller/mystery novels I've read. I wanted to be swept away in the intrigue and the mystery, but something held me back. Something was missing to make this an exceptional read.

However, having said that, let me say that I really enjoyed this novel. It was well-written and sucked me in. And despite being predictable, there were some noteworthy twists that I did not expect that kept me tuned in to the story.

Cally was a hard character for me to relate to and I never really felt like I understood her, but I loved the way the story was told. I actually found her character very refreshing. She was definitely not a girl's girl and had no tolerance for frilly things. It was a nice and unexpected change from several other books I've read along this line.

Overall, this book was well-written, intriguing, and one that I thoroughly enjoyed.

In Summary: I recommend to fans of young adult thriller/mystery novels. It's not super scary, but there is enough of a mystery to keep your attention.

The Wrap-up: This isn't a book that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend. It's not my favorite novel in this genre, but it is a very good book.

~Danica Page