A review by indianahat
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


So one COULD say that I read this book out of genuine curiosity. Of course Twilight was the peak read of the 2000's when it became undeniably popular but now Twilight kind of rests as a shelf filler a must have for every book person but not necessarily one of their favourite reads or even a read at all. I did grow up in the twilight era in which I owned a plenty of team Jacob shirts at the age of 11 with a basic understanding to the world of sparkly vampires. I wasn't an avid fan of the films, I didn't find them astonishing or terrible they just existed essentially in mind in the land of Meh. Good for a watch but not something to become deeply obsessed with like I am about a bunch of dead gay wizards from the seventy's.

So when I saw the series sitting on an old bookshelf in the house it became a question of should I? Is it worth it? and most importantly, will I even enjoy it? As someone who typically likes to read the books first before seeing a film or television adaptation I came to the conclusion that when I removed my previous knowledge of the self-labeled Meh movies that I would be interested in this series. So I willing opened the pages of Stephenie Meyers classic and entered the world of Bella Swan.

Despite trying to remove my pre-existing prejudices about the series I am honest in admitting it did take me a few days between listing this as my current read on goodreads to actually opening the book itself. It seems I had to amp myself up. I am so glad that I did. I actually quite enjoyed this book. The chemistry between Bella and Edward felt so much more alive - noting against the actors who portrayed them in the films of course. I felt that Bella was more normalised in the books more relatable. A slightly sassy, curious filled, bright, overly clumsy average seventeen year old. Edward personally to me felt as if he had more personality, he was funny and more carefree in a hilarious use of words he seemed more alive. One character who i was shocked that I was actually enjoy was Charlie. He was more then just a parental figure the little scenes with him waking up early and putting chains on Bella's truck before work to his many questions about his daughters love life that aren't present in the films make him a more loveable dad moreover so to his role as roommates mate in the film franchise. Please don't take any of this as hate towards the films I am simply stating the subtle differences that seperate the two completely.

When I began finally reading Twilight I decided that I would wait until the end of the book to decide whether I would continue the series. After reading Twilight and coming to see the series in new light it would only be fair to finish it.

Stand by for more Stephenie Meyers in this month of Feb!