A review by kaylasbookishlife
The Historians by Cecilia Ekbäck


There comes a time in every readers journey where you need to realize that your current read is just not the story for you.

I’ve been trying to read this one for months. I was super excited about it. It takes place in Sweden during WWII, something I had never read before. However I was hit with a lot of confusion right from the start.

There were a few too many characters and not enough background for me to feel attached to any of them. I am unfamiliar with Swedish culture and their Indigenous peoples so I would have liked a note at the beginning with a brief explanation of who the Sami peoples were.

Time to put this one down. I do want to thank @harpercollinsca for sending this book to me. Perhaps when I read more books about this topic and time I can return to this one. It was just a little too dense for me.