A review by findingmontauk1
Stations of Shadow by J. Daniel Stone


Stations of Shadow immediately intrigued me with its plot revolving around drag culture and the macabre/supernatural. How could I say no to that?! But what I got was even more than I expected. The writing style in this book is rich with evocative details, Queer and pop culture references, and characters with such intricate and complex mindsets, situations, and personalities. Stage names Hera Wynn and Hydra are fierce competitors and I they are described with such vivid imagery each time. Their relationship is definitely not an easy one, and the more you read the story, the more you are pulled deeper in it. Some of the scenes appeared in slow motion in my head when reading. It was as if I was watching the show and I could see the lights flashing and hear the beat of the music but time was slowed down as everything was unraveling around me.

This is the first of J. Daniel Stone I have read and I have already bought more! The way he can shine a light onto the scene and tell a compelling story is something I am eager to continue exploring. 4 stars!