A review by elnechnntt
Believers: Making a Life at the End of the World by Lisa Wells


I really enjoyed reading this but it felt like two books merged into one.

The first half of the book is true to the blurb: Wells spends time with people actively out attempting to rewild the world in different ways. About two thirds in, the book becomes more memoir driven with fewer pages dedicated to the people Wells encounters - I didn’t really feel I learned as much about these individuals and their work/process/way of living compared with how the first individuals were presented (if that makes sense).

More and more time is spent on Wells own thinking, thoughts and philosophy. Which is all interesting and I enjoyed her thoughts but then I felt like the two possible books that get started here never really met a full write up.

It feels a though Wells wasn’t really sure what she wanted this book to be, or that she didn’t find the kind of redemption she was looking for after her initial encounters and so turned inwards.

It’s a very unique book and I definitely enjoyed the conversations it poses and starts to explore.