A review by soulwinds
InuYasha: The Unlikely Allies by Rumiko Takahashi


Actually Rating

4.5 Stars for InuYasha volume 27

I've fallen behind with my reviews after getting really sick, so the next bit of reviews are just going to be...

Quick and to the Point

Koga continues to face down 2 of the 5 0f the band of 7 (Starting to sound like a Borg designation). Sesshomaru takes on the snake sword pretty boy while Jaken tries to save himself and Rin from the multiple personality doctor (the evil side, currently). Of course, Sesshomaru ends up with two opponents and a hostage situation...

Koga gets a rescue from InuYasha (and Kagome) only to land in a fiery situation. InuYasha, Kagome, and Koga handle the fire and explosion expert of the band of seven rather nicely, though he gets away.

Sango and Monk continue to hurry ahead, trying to find the living Buddha, Naraku and whatever else might be hiding in the mountain.

In Conclusion

Another volume read. Another excellent volume....ever forward!