A review by shankl
How I'm Spending My Afterlife by Spencer Fleury



How I’m Spending My Afterlife
@woodhallpress - September 7, 2021
Paperback: 406 pages

After you’re gone, what will they say about you? Alton Carver is about to find out after deciding to flee from a federal investigation abandoning his wife and daughter.

His plan is simply:
Stage his death out in the ocean
Flee to Central America
Take the money he stole

But instead he is drawn back into life, witnessing his memorial and uncovering scores of secrets about his perfect job and family.

How I’m Spending My Afterlife slowly unravels Alton’s deception, the betrayal by his wife and every decision gone bad with his plan. The story is told through Alton’s point of view and his wife. Quick, easy read that was just OK.

Thank you @tlcbooktours and the author for the complimentary copy of the book.