A review by utopiastateofmind
Color Outside the Lines: Stories about Love by Sangu Mandanna


(Disclaimer: I received this free book from Edelweiss. This has not impacted my review which is unbiased and honest.)

It's always challenging to review anthologies, because I wonder if I review the stories, or the anthology as a whole. First off, the concept of this anthology is not only moving, but also so well executed. As Mandanna writes in the introduction, "representation matters" and these stories of relationships that cross borders, families, prejudices, and more are tender and heartfelt. Within this anthology are stories about superheros, ghosts, resistance, and poisons. They transform in front of your very eyes.

full review: https://utopia-state-of-mind.com/review-color-outside-the-lines-edited-by-sangu-mandanna/