A review by fatima_ff
Selected Stories by Katherine Mansfield


We got ourselves a favourite author!
Loved each and every story. Took notes. Scribbled in the columns. My copy came with blank pages after every story. It’s as if Collins expected me to take notes. I felt like I was back in my highschool literature class again. Which is also where I first learnt of Mansfield and her writing.
Stories like Her First Ball and The Dolls House that I read as a child now make more sense. The characters are now so much more! Previously the Burrells seemed an elitist insensitive bunch and the Sheridans a happy and hospitable family. At the Bay and The Garden Party May have altered that conception.
I connected with Miss Brill the most! Story touched my heart.
5 out of 5 stars for these posthumous masterpieces!