A review by corrie
Party of Three by Sandy Lowe


Oh dear, I finished this ARC a few weeks ago but forgot to write down my thoughts right away (not the brightest move, I know). And now the ARC file has destroyed itself and I can't access it anymore to refresh my mind.

Ah well... I think I will take a little break from ARC's and work through the pile I still haven't read yet.

Okay, so what do I remember... there were three single women going to this rich friend's party. They all hook up over the course of the evening. The first couple didn't know each other, the other two were doing the naughty with people they knew. There was a lot of sex and not so much plot (but that was the set-up of the whole book). There are some slapstick moments, oh... and there is an evil two-timing fiancé as well.

Sandy Lowe really can write erotica. I loved her short story Party Games and I hoped she would write more in the same spirit. I was not disappointed.

f/f explicit

Themes: uncomplicated read, plenty of sexy times, fun.

4 stars