A review by the8th
Swamp Thing, Vol. 2: Love and Death by Alan Moore


I try to keep in mind that this was written in 1985, but it is still difficult not to constantly have objections about everything back then. Abbie barely says anything most of the time, is victimized in a whole bunch of this and the first TPB. The God as he or she thing was annoying, "you mean God is a WOMAN?" "oh sorry, so God actually isn't a woman?! COOL"�. the "pale as a beautiful flower" thing made me roll my eyes a million times over ( I really don't get the beauty standards set up around whiteness at all, but I guess I kinda do get the imperialism/colonial superiority thing behind it).

I did really like the ending and I do really love the creature that is Swamp Thing. I love how broken he seems, his cracked voice, his hesitation but determination to do the right thing. I love Abbie's hair, haha. Partially because it's curly like mine but has cool white & black streaks in it. Umm. I want to hug the Swamp Thing, and some of the art made me happy, and some of Moore's poetic prose is nice. The end!