A review by bitchinbookclubb
I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll


Check on my full review on instagram at @bitchinbookclub_

Please go read this book! Don't question it. This has made me a Teresa Driscoll fan for life.

Alice is a strong headed journalist that starts to get mysterious phone calls and scary messages sent to her every Wednesday. She is very independent, and the perfect female protagonist for the novel about stalkers. I am always fearful when I pick up a book like this, I am going to have to read about a damsel in distress. Alice is the opposite. She absolutely hates being dotted on, and her boyfriend takes a huge backseat. She needs no knight in shining armor. If she is not thinking about her stalker, she is trying to figure out a way to weasel herself back into work.

This story is told from multiple POV's both past and present, but the author makes it very easy to follow. Here's the thing about this author, you think "OMG, this is so predictable. I have this all figured out." But YOU DON'T! I promise.

If you need a good thriller, this one is it. It was a pretty quick and easy read too, I finished it in two days.