A review by chelse34
The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini


This book was recommended to me by my mother-in-law (more like thrust into my hands) who is an avid quilter. She loved these books. And I must say I kind of saw myself and her while reading these because pretty much everything I know about quilting, I learned from her. So I was the Sarah and she was the Mrs. Compson because she tutored me and showed me how to quilt! I liked that comparison!

I also enjoyed learning about some of the history of quilts and the superstitions of their names. I found the name important in my own quilting too! Like when I made Brian his Batman quilt, I used the Bear Claw pattern because it sounded strong and fierce.

I also found that they used different terms and ways of quilting that I wasn't familiar with (like basting the quilt together... we just used safety pins), and I enjoyed getting a different perspective with that! AND! I was able to connect some things together that I really didn't ever know or realize... like the Memorial Quilt. I've seen one because my mother-in-law made one of those, but I didn't necessarily put the name to it and realize that it happens frequently in the world of quilters.

So, word of advice - I think it would be best to have SOME form of knowledge about quilting before reading this book because I would have been totally confused and had no idea what they were talking about half the time if I hadn't made a quilt myself (novice, though I am).