A review by rosereads_books
The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake

Did not finish book. Stopped at 57%.
 dnf at 57%.

I'm doing this for me. I can't even begin to imagine myself read 200 pages more of this. It's quite possibly the bland-est book I've ever read. The characters seemed shallow to me: as if they had only one characteristics by which they were recognizable and was the only thing that ever defined them. The plot seemed non-existent even by the middle of the book: I know it's a series, but I still expect by the middle of the book to at least have an idea of simply what's going on. I'm still not sure why they were selected, what they were supposed to do, and I find that I do not care what happens to them.

The writing also felt off for me. It's like the author was trying to be lyric with grand description and big words, but it honestly just confused me even more. It felt like endless meaningless sentences with big, beautiful words.

All in all, this definitely wasn't for me.