A review by snarkywench
Kiss It by Erin Soderberg Downing


Kiss It was a bit of a surprise - you start reading expecting the normal contemporary YA romance path and get something racier. Chastity is an intelligent senior who's unsure of her future direction but is definite in her need to establish a sex life for herself. She's stuck in her wintery hometown where nothing is ever surprising while a stream of issues keep raising their heads. All Chaz wants is a good lay and that proves to be more challenging than one would expect.

Subject matter-wise this novel will be a problematic read for those that object to teen sex and swearing but it does have a heart to accompany its pounding libido. It offers a different perspective to the many (sometimes didactic) wait until love or marriage position we often see. However this position is represented in the protagonist's best friend. They have completely different stances in their life choices but support one another irregardless. Like most teens its a lot of talk and only a little action but that is still more than what would be found in most YA. Despite some sexual content, at its centre this book is more conventional that one would judge on face value. Instead of pushing the idea of abstinence, it subtlety addresses choice, birth control and self-worth.

The central story of Chaz's need for some action works well to highlight her emotional growth as she peruses her boy options. It is quite entertaining (and a little disturbing) to see her rationalise her actions, her treatment of Hunter and her feelings for Sebastian. At times Downing presents her protagonist as playing the guy - picking and choosing what she wants from those that are interested by her. This storyline flows well in terms of introducing a host of characters (some of which could have been sketched in further) and keeping the protagonist on their toes. However, the two minor stories - both of which I won't spoil - are intriguing. One is telegraphed strongly from the beginning, the other comes out of nowhere and doesn't hit its momentum as hard as it might. That being said, Downing tackles far more in terms of issues than you initially realise.

There's humour, pathos and a lot of sex talk- the latter might scare those who don't wish to acknowledge that female teens have urges and aren't always at the sexual whim of teen males. I found it quite illuminating and empowering to follow Chaz' self discovery and drew a deep breath of Downing's blast of fresh air.

Kiss It is following the lead of Judy Blume's Forever presenting a story where a girl makes informed decisions about her sex life in a responsible manner. Forever was written 34 years ago and its content is still considered to be risque, Kiss It will be in the same boat but what a glorious boat to be in. Kiss It is not a brand new, extraordinary take on contemporary YA but it does provide a fresh perspective with a candid look at sex, friendship and blizzard boredom. I find that brave and it's definitely a perspective we should be supporting and encouraging.