A review by pipparature
Contagion by Teri Terry


When this book arrived after I won it in a Goodreads giveaway I was quite intrigued by it. It's a very striking book with it's black cover and dyed red page edges it looked great! The blurb was also appealing so I picked this one up as an antidote to a more challenging read I had just completed.
At the start of the book we meet Shay (short for Sharona, after 'that' song), she's moved from London to Scotland and is something of an introvert, singled out as different by the locals in her rural Trossachs village. When she spots a flyer for a missing girl who her didactic memory tells her she saw a year ago, she meets Kai, searching for his Sister Callie, and their stories begin to intertwine with devastating consequences.
Callie's story starts at a secret facility on Shetland which fails, leading to the evacuation of the island and a strange and virulent epidemic beginning in Aberdeen which kills people quickly and spreads even faster. Shay and Kai are placed in grave danger and must use all of their skills to evade capture and try to find the source of the Aberdeen flu.
This is a very fast paced book and we see the story split between Callie and Shay's perspective over and over again, with some parts narrated too so there are three clear 'voices' in the book. I'm generally not a massive fan of this style of novel but it worked well to expose the story in this one and the shortness of the chapters kept me turning the pages.
As a dystopian outbreak novel nothing is really beyond the boundaries and, while it's quite far fetched at times, and a little too easy for the protagonists to achieve their aims occasionally, sometimes you just can't beat a read that keeps you turning the pages over and over again. I'm really looking forward to the next book in the trilogy as Contagion leaves so many questions unanswered. I really enjoyed this one.