A review by seleniumdrive
Maddie by Amber R. Duell, Candace Robinson


To my pleasant surprise, I really liked this book. And I didn't think I would, because the character archetypes of the protagonists really aren't my usual cup of tea (MMC is the ~stuck-up male white knight~ trope and FMC is the ~whacky/possibly insane but 1000% loyal to family & with a heart of gold~ trope).

Noah grew on me and the authors did a great job of turning his archetype around (he becomes more lovable and flexible as the book goes on, and especially as his feelings for Maddie grow).

Maddie stuck up for her sister 1000% while also being unashamedly sexually forward with Noah and doing the most to push their relationship along (which he was totally okay with!). And it's always so nice to see a sexually forward/liberated female character (usually it's the men who are).

Also, this book was Wildly horny, just like the novella before it, and definitely, Very Much an Adult Romance. PWP, as they say on AO3. With the right balance of plot and smut!

*Note trigger warnings the book needs: lots of graphic violence and graphic murder (if you can't handle decapitations, this book is Not for you), vampire blood sucking (hopefully this one was obvious), mention of past sexual assault (to the FMC but by a true villain, not the MMC), present time non-consensual drugging and groping (sexual assault?) of the MMC by a different villain (it's a brief scene but it's described in detail), plenty of swearing (this should come with the Adult book territory and I didn't mind it, but just a forewarning to others who don't like seeing the f-word and s-word a lot).