A review by eesh25
Grave Peril by Jim Butcher


When I started the series, I said I'd read at least three books because I'd heard the first few weren't the best. Well, didn't like the first two, and I can't say I loved this one either, but I needed at least three stars to keep going, so I guess I'll be reading more of these.

This book follows Harry on yet another supernatural mystery. This time, it's ghosts who seem to be going haywire, and Harry is trying to get to the bottom of it with the help of Michael. Michael is a character who's introduced in a way that makes it seem like we should know him already. Except I didn't remember him from previous books. Turns out it's because he's not in them. But Michael is a wielder of a magic sword and a sort of "holy" man. I like Michael. He can be a tad preachy, but he's honest and a good guy.

Harry is his usual self, with his version of "chivalry" which means he can only see women as damsels unless they literally try to kill him. And sometimes even then. There's also his goodness and humility that never ring true because anytime he does something remotely decent, the author uses it as an opportunity to shove Harry is such a good person! down our throats.

Then there's the leering. Why does Harry have to leer at women so much? I actually started a "Fuck You" counter for every time Harry over-described a female character. I started it at 13%, and we ended on a 12. Here's a (tame) sample:
"She threw her head back and laughed, revealing creamy, delicious expanses of throat and bosom."

Seriously Harry, what the fuck? And you should be glad I didn't have an "Ew" counter for every interaction with Harry's godmother. Seriously, they were disgusting.

Anyway, I've already ranted about the shitty treatment of female characters in my other two reviews. So let's get to the things I liked about the book. I already mentioned Michael. I also like Bob, even if he is just a talking skull.

Also, the world-building in the series has been good from the beginning. All the supernatural creatures have been interesting. And I like how the world expands with each book. There's supernatural politics now, and that's fun. Plot-wise, I think I preferred the last two books. The plot of this one thought it was cleverer than it actually was. And the reveal was underwhelming because it wasn't set up well enough.

Overall, the paranormal elements, some of Harry and Michael's interactions, James Marsden's narration and my Fuck You counter, they're what got me through this.

Moving forward, all I can hope is that Harry becomes more bearable at some point. I'm getting sick of hearing about every woman's breasts and legs and face. It needs to stop, which is why I'll end the review with a final, "Fuck you, Harry."