A review by pjonsson
Captain by Phil Geusz


This book was quite a downturn from the other books in this series.The book blurb of course hinted that I would not be so happy with this one and it was at least as bad as I suspected. The reason for me being unhappy with this book is that the entire book is devoted to politics of the worst kind. It’s all talk talk, deception, treason, backstabbing and general political bullshit. If I wanted that crap I could just read an excerpt from one of the European Community meetings or something. The only positive bit was that the schemers and plotters didn’t get what they wanted in the end unlike the European Community assholes who gets to drone on and on spending our tax-money and making our lives expensive and miserable.

If you like the political stuff you’ll probably find this book to be a good one. It’s written in the same style as the others and there’s nothing really wrong about it except the choice of subject matter for the story. Me, well as you might have noticed from the somewhat rude choice of words above I distinctly dislike politics, both the imagined and the real one.

Well, at least there was a hint at the end that things would make a turn for the better at the end of the book, which is more than one can say about the European Union but that’s why I read books anyway, to escape reality for a few hours.