A review by liralen
You Don't Sweat Much for a Fat Girl: Observations on Life from the Shallow End of the Pool by Celia Rivenbark


This book reminds me, oddly, of Ellen Degeneres: I think she's funny and has a quick wit. I also think her style would translate better into stand-up than writing.

Much of my reservations about the book have to do with personal preference, I think. I appreciate a good one-liner, but I don't need (or want, really) every line to have humour -- I'd rather watch the buildup to one really good joke. This isn't that kind of book: it's one-liner after one-liner, often related but with limited range in (flailing around for a word here) pitch.

She makes some very funny and on-point observations, and I'd probably recommend the book to fans of (again) Ellen Degeneres...but I'm not the right audience for it.

I received a free copy of this book via a Goodreads giveaway.